The most advanced collagen rejuvenation therapy. Laser Genesis has been scientifically proven to stimulate the increase of new collagen formation. Recommended for face, neck, and chest areas that show sun damage, uneven texture, fine lines, and wrinkles. For active acne and scarring the heat from the laser kills bacteria deep within the skin, which drastically and dramatically diminishes active acne while preventing further breakouts. Promotes vibrant and enhanced skin in men and women with no downtime.

Collagen loss is one of the main contributors to the visible signs of aging. At Giovinezza Laser and Skin Rejuvenation in Newport Beach, California, the aesthetic experts offer collagen therapy to boost your skin’s production of this vital protein and restore a more youthful look. The team uses many innovative devices to improve your skin’s natural collagen production. To schedule a collagen therapy consultation, call the office or book an appointment online today.



What is collagen?

Collagen is a structural protein your body naturally makes; it’s in your bones, ligaments, tendons, and skin. In your skin, collagen makes up your dermal layer, providing structural support and strength.

As you get older, your skin’s production of collagen slows down. Loss of collagen in your dermal layer of skin leads to many of the visible signs of aging, including lines, wrinkles, and sagging.

What is collagen therapy?

Collagen therapy is one of the aesthetic services available at Giovinezza Laser and Skin Rejuvenation. The goal of collagen therapy is to improve your skin’s natural production of collagen and restore a more youthful look.

The team at Giovinezza Laser and Skin Rejuvenation takes an individualized approach to care. You have unique skin care needs and beauty goals. They customize your collagen therapy plan using the most current and proven treatment options available to get you the best results.

What are collagen therapy treatments?

Giovinezza Laser and Skin Rejuvenation has many advanced aesthetic devices for collagen therapy. Your collagen therapy treatment plan may include one or more of the following aesthetic treatments:

Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis is the primary collagen therapy treatment device at Giovinezza Laser and Skin Rejuvenation. This advanced aesthetic system uses gentle laser energy to stimulate an increase in new collagen formation.

The team uses this advanced collagen rejuvenation therapy to treat the face, neck, and chest area. The laser device revitalizes your look, improving skin tone and texture and smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.

Giovinezza Laser and Skin Rejuvenation also uses Laser Genesis for acne and acne scarring. The laser heat kills bacteria deep in your skin’s pores, dramatically diminishing active acne and preventing further breakouts.


Vivace is an aesthetic device that combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy. These two aesthetic devices work together to increase collagen production on the surface and deep layers of your skin.

The team may combine your Vivace treatment with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for more dramatic results.

Cutera® Titan™

Cutera Titan is a skin tightening device the team uses to improve the look of your face, jawline, eyes, and neck. The device produces light that uniformly heats the deep layers of your skin to stimulate collagen production.

To find out more about collagen therapy at Giovinezza Laser and Skin Rejuvenation, call the office or book an appointment online today.